
Rahul Gandhi lacks quality and passion: Barack Obama

Washington : The electoral turmoil that has been going on for many days in America has started to subside, in the midst of this, the new book of former President Barack Obama has been released. After stepping down from the presidency, Barack Obama has written his autobiography ‘A Promised Land’, sharing his experiences. This book is also being discussed in India, because inside the book, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and some others are mentioned.

The remarks that Barack Obama has made about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi remain a matter of discussion. A review of this book has been published in the American newspaper New York Times, in which portions of the book have been written. Accordingly, Barack Obama wrote in the book about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, “He has the qualities of a nervous and immature student who has done his homework and is trying to impress the teacher. But if look deeply, there is a lack of competence and a lack of passion to master a subject”.

Apart from this, comments have also been made about former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The book reads, ‘Vladimir Putin reminds him of a tough and smart boss. At the same time, Manmohan Singh, who was the Prime Minister of India, has an impeccable honesty, which makes him different.

After mentioning Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in the book, discussion has also started in India.

Who else is mentioned in the book?
Former President Barack Obama has described Joe Biden, former Vice President of the US and currently winning the election of President, as a decent person.

Referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin in his book, Obama writes that leaders remind him of street-smart bosses who once ran Chicago.

According to a New York Times book review, Barack Obama’s new book ‘A Promise Land’ focuses more on his political stance than his personal life. The former US president has written from his early days in politics to the killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

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