
Yogi Adityanath to turn Ayodhya into a Hindu pilgrim hub on the lines of Vatican and Mecca Medina

Prayagraj : After celebrating a grand festival in Ayodhya on Diwali, the Yogi government of UP will start a new exercise to develop this city of Lord Rama. The government intends to develop Ayodhya as the largest religious city in the world.

According to the spokesperson of the Yogi government and the cabinet minister of the state, Siddharth Nath Singh, the government is preparing to develop Ayodhya from the religious point of view as well as from the point of view of tourism. Work has already started in this regard. Till now Vatican City and Mecca Medina were known as the biggest religious places in the world, but the government will make Ayodhya even more beautiful and developed than them, because Ayodhya will become the world’s largest religious center in the coming few years.

According to Minister Siddharth Nath, this time Diwali will be very special in Ayodhya, because after nearly five hundred years, the adorable Lord Rama of Sanatan religions has returned to his house. The construction of the temple has started. The government will light five and a half lakh diyas in this festival.

The entire Ayodhya city is also being specially decorated. This time, virtual lamps will also be lit on the Ram ki paidi and with this, the entire program can also be seen sitting at home through live streaming on social media. According to him all the programs will be held following the Covid protocol.

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