
J&K : Pakistani sniper shot dead at LoC by Indian army

Jammu : Indian Army has killed a Pakistani sniper in Bhimber sector, this sniper was deployed to target Indian soldiers. The army killed the Pakistani sniper in late October, but photos of that incident have now surfaced. In the thermal imaging photographs of this entire operation, it is clearly visible how the army targeted the Pakistani sniper. The Army on the Line of Control is using a recently acquired new rifle for such operations.

Pakistan has so far breached more than three thousand ceasefires this year and Pakistan has been taking the help of its sniper several times to infiltrate terrorists along the Indian border. Pakistani snipers target Indian troops to keep them busy and help intruders infiltrate. The army has killed one such sniper.

According to the information received, Pakistan had violated both infiltration and ceasefire simultaneously, at the same time, Indian Army personnel from the advance post of the Indian Army used their state-of-the-art sniper rifle SAKO TRG 42 to kill the Pakistani sniper who was helping Pakistani infiltrators, at the same time, this sniper was also trying to target the soldiers posted at the forward locations of the Indian Army.

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