
Home remedies to reduce ‘Breast Pain’ during monthly periods

Mumbai : Lots of women feel very strong pain in the breast during the period or menstruation every month. But sometimes, seeing the stiffness, pain and swelling in the breast, many women doubt whether it is a sign of breast cancer. Apart from hormonal changes, there are many other things that can cause very severe pain in the breast. If you also have severe pain in the breast during your periods, then try home remedies

Castor oil Mix the Castor oil very well with Olive oil and massage your breast with light hands. This will definitely give you rest.

Ice Pack
Take some ice in a very clean cloth, then place it well on the breast. This will reduce the pain greatly as the narrowed arteries of the blood will open completely.

The use of fennel will reduce both inflammation and pain excessively. You can have it as tea. Boil a little fennel in 1 cup of water and filter it and drink it.

Flax seeds
You must include flax seeds daily in your diet. Eating them reduces the pain greatly.

Green leafy vegetables
Vegetables such as broccoli and spinach reduce estrogen levels in the body and it greatly reduces pain in the breast.

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