
SOPs For Cinema Halls : Mandatory To Wear Face Masks, Sharing Contact Info For Tracing, Only 50% Seats Occupied

New Delhi : Cinema Halls shut down since March due to lockdown imposed in view to control the COVID19 pandemic is reopening from October 15. Cinema halls are reopening but will be allowed to run only on half their capacity, no food will be delivered inside the halls, only packaged food will be allowed, face masks and thermal screening will be mandatory, show timings will be staggered, and your contact number will be taken to facilitate contact tracing later, if required.

Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting released some of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on Tuesday for resuming the operation of Cinema Halls. Government announced the opening of cinema halls among the last few activities that were still prohibited due to lockdown restriction and now the SOPs have been released.

On September 30, the Home Ministry had said, “Cinema Halls/ theatres/ multiplexes will be allowed to open with up to 50% seating capacity. SOP for the same will be issued by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.” However, no exhibition of films will be allowed in containment zones.

The detailed SOPs will include :

  • Compulsory physical distancing of at least 6 feet will have to be followed outside the auditoriums, common areas and waiting areas at all times.
  • Use of face masks is mandatory at all times.
  • Hand sanitizers will have to be made available, preferably in the touch-free mode, at entry and exit points as well as common areas within the premises.
  • Zero-contact digital transactions should be the most preferred mode for the payments of tickets, food, and beverages, etc.
  • Contact number record of visitors must be maintained to facilitate contact tracing.
  • Respiratory etiquettes which involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly should be strictly followed..
  • Spitting will be strictly prohibited.
  • Everyone must have Aarogya Setu App installed on mobile phones.
  • At every points, thermal screening of visitors/staff should be followed strictly. Only asymptomatic individuals shall be allowed to enter the premises.
  • Seating arrangement inside the auditorium of the cinemas /theatres / multiplexes to be made in such a way that adequate physical distancing is maintained.
  • For both online booking and at the box office sale of tickets, seats should be marked as “Not to be occupied” for social distancing.
  • Only packaged food and beverages will be allowed. Delivery of food and beverage inside the hall/auditorium shall be prohibited.

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