
Jackpot! WB Woman Caught 52-kg Fish From River, Sold For Rs 3 Lakh

Kolkata : A poor elderly woman from Chakpututubi village in Sagar area of Bengal caught a giant fish weighing 52 kg on Tuesday. That fish is sold for more than three lakh rupees.

The woman named Pushpa Kar said – ‘I have never seen this much amount in my life. This fish became a jackpot for me. I got more than 3 lakhs by selling it in the wholesale market for Rs 6,200 per kg.’ Pushpa confirmed that she received over Rs 3 lakh for her catch. Pushpa went to the sea to catch the fish, where she caught this giant fish. She said, ‘I have never seen such a giant fish in my life. It is called ‘Bhola’ fish in Bengali.’

Local villagers said that both the size and the price of the fish were both huge. Sagar Island is situated where the Ganges enters the Bay of Bengal. People here go to the deep sea to catch fish, which is the main occupation in this area.

The villagers helped Pushpa to pull the fish from the river and transport it to the village. A villager said that if the fish had not died, it would have been sold at a higher price.

“The fish was most probably killed as it collided with a vessel,” a villager said. Traders said the fish would have fetched more if it had not started decomposing. The blubber of the fish is sold at high price and exported to South East Asian countries.

A fish of this size can not be consumed as its flesh becomes rubbery but its internal organs are of great value. The fat of the fish, known as blubber, is sold at high prices and exported to countries in southeast Asia.

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