
Country moving forward on zero tolerance policy in corruption: PM Modi

New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a national conference on vigilance and anti-corruption on Tuesday evening. During this time, Prime Minister Modi said that the country is moving forward on the policy of zero tolerance in the matter of corruption.

Addressing the conference through video conferencing, Prime Minister Modi said that “Corruption, economic crime, drug cases, money laundering or terrorism and terrorist financing are all related to each other. Therefore, we have to do systemic investigation, effective audit, capacity building and training work together against corruption,” he said.

Prime Minister Modi said, “Today I am going to mention another big challenge in front of you. This challenge has gradually taken a huge form in front of the country, growing slowly in the past decades. This challenge is – dynasty of corruption transferred from one generation to another.” He said that in the past decades, we have seen that when one generation of corruption does not get the right punishment, then the other generation does corruption with more power. Because of this, corruption has become part of the political tradition in many states. This dynasty of corruption, which goes on from generation to generation, makes the country hollow like a termite.

The Prime Minister said that now the benefit of the poor through DBT is directly reaching 100 percent to the poor. Due to DBT alone, more than one lakh 70 thousand crore rupees are being saved from going into the wrong hands. Modi said, “Today it can be said with pride that the country has left that era of scandals behind.”

The theme of this national conference organized by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is ‘Vigilant India – Prosperous India’. This conference will last for three days.

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