
COVID19 situation may worsen in the coming four to six months : Bill Gates

Washington : Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates cautioned that the coronavirus outbreak could occur in the coming four to six months. His ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ is part of the campaign to manufacture and distribute the COVID19 vaccine.

Recently in the US, the number of new cases of virus, deaths due to this and hospitalisation has increased considerably. Gates, who warned the world about such an epidemic in 2015, said on Sunday, “I think America could have dealt with it better.” The Gates Foundation is financially supporting many of the research being done to make the vaccine.

The ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ co-president told CNN, ‘It is very sad that the global epidemic outbreak could happen in the next four to six months. According to the IHME (Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation) estimates, more than 2,00,000 people may die. If we follow the rules like wearing masks, then these cases of death can be reduced.

So far 2,90,000 people have died in the US from COVID19. He said, ‘In 2015, when I estimated it, I told the number of dead more than this. Therefore, the virus could have been more deadly than this. We did not face the worst situation. But its impact on the economy of America and the whole world shocked me, which is much more than I had anticipated five years ago.’

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