
Republic TV editor Arnab Goswami detained by Mumbai police

New Delhi : Mumbai Police reached Republic TV editor Arnab Goswami’s house on Wednesday and tried to take him into custody. After some time the police took him in a van and took him to Raigad police station. Republic TV alleged that the police forcibly entered the house.

Arnab said that the Mumbai Police also treated him badly. According to Republic TV, the channel’s executive editor Niranjan Narayanaswamy was barred from reporting.

The channel is calling the incident an ‘undisclosed emergency’ in Maharashtra. Arnab said that the Mumbai Police misbehaved with his mother-in-law and father-in-law, son and wife.

Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar said, ‘The attack on press-journalism in Mumbai is condemnable. This is the action of the Government of Maharashtra just like Emergency. We condemn it. ‘

Arnab has been detained by Mumbai Police under section 306 in the case of abetment to suicide in 2018. The police had closed the case but now it has been opened again.

Arnab’s wife Samyabrata Ray Goswami alleged that the police rushed into the house and misbehaved and dragged him.

BJP leader Kapil Mishra tweeted, “These are terrible days for democracy, media. Punishment for asking questions, punishment for showing truth? Punishment for building such a big network with your hard work? The whole country is with Arnab today.”

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