
Emergency in Myanmar, Military takes power for 1 year, Aung San Suu Kyi in detention

New Delhi : Myanmar’s military has taken power for a year after declaring a state of emergency in response to its claims of election fraud, reports said. Aung San Suu Kyi and other top leaders were detained in an early-morning raid.

The Myanmar Army says that a coup action has been taken in response to the election fraud. With this coup, army troops have been deployed in different parts of the country. Soldiers have been stationed outside the city hall in Yangon, Myanmar’s main city, so that no one can resist the coup.

The Army has been ruling in Myanmar for a long time. From 1962 to 2011, there has been a dictatorship of the ‘military people’ in the country. In 2010, general elections were held in Myanmar and in 2011 a ‘civil government’ was formed in Myanmar. In which elected representatives got a chance to rule the public.

Even after the formation of a civil government, the real power always remained with the ‘Army’. Indirectly, the ‘military public’ remained Myanmar’s first power, it could not be removed in the sense that it seemed from the outside. Therefore, the incident that happened on Monday is nothing but the true form of Myanmar’s political landscape.

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