
Does vagina get loose with more sex? Know the facts and myths related to it

Mumbai : Vagina is a part of the body that is very flexible. It does not take time to get back to its old shape. But many lies associated with Vagina’s loosening are prevalent in our society. It is commonly said and believed that women who are very much sex involved have vaginal loosening problems. But this is not true. Sex has nothing to do with vagina loosening.

Then why does Vagina get loose? There may be some reasons behind this. But before that it is necessary to understand what is the meaning of vagina’s looseness.

What is loosening of vagina
First of all, it is important to understand that Vagina is made up of a variety of muscles which are very flexible. They return to their original shape even after a large stretching.

The muscles that surround the vagina are called pelvic floor muscles. With age, they begin to loosen, due to which women do not feel the same tightness during sex.

Is too much sex responsible for this?
When a woman gets sexually aroused, the muscles of her vagina gets spread automatically. They help in penetrations. These muscles relax slowly during foreplay. After sex, these muscles return to their full size.

Penetrative sex does not bring any change in the woman’s body. There is no such evidence that this makes the muscles loose.

Giving birth to a child can be the reason?
During pregnancy, every woman’s body goes through many ups and downs. The body changes even after delivery.
These changes can be :
– Swelling of feet and toes
– Weight gain or loss
– Change in breast size
– Stretch marks on the skin

Vagina muscles get greatly spread during normal delivery. It may take some time to return to their normal shape. After giving birth to the child, Vagina feels different from before.

Some women even say that they have felt a difference in the flexibility of their vagina after giving birth. But it gets back to normal over time.

Breaking of skin and tissue during childbirth can also make vagina feel loose or uncomfortable.

Growing age can be a big reason
Many changes occur in the body with aging. The skin and muscles start losing their suppleness gradually. Vagina’s muscles also begin to weaken, so they feel loose.

During menopause, when a woman’s body undergoes many changes, estrogen hormone levels decrease. This causes dryness in vagina and makes sex difficult. At that time, lubricants can be used for this problem.

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