
Galwan Violence : China releases video, Shows confrontation with Indian soldiers

New Delhi : Relations between the two countries have deteriorated following violent clashes between Indian and Chinese soldiers on May 5 last year in the Galwan Valley. India lost 20 of its soldiers in the skirmish. However, China did not report the death of its soldiers. However, now the Chinese government has finally accepted that 4 of their soldiers were also killed in the clash.

Before the tenth round of commander-level talks between India and China, the Chinese media released two-three videos of the Galwan Valley violence. Through these videos, China has tried to show that Indian soldiers, not the Chinese army, are responsible for the violence in Galwan Valley.

Through these videos, China is trying to show that the violence in the Galwan Valley was caused by the Indian Army to build a temporary bridge over the Galwan River. For the first time in these videos, soldiers of both countries can be seen fighting at night.

However, there has been no official reaction from the Indian Army regarding these videos. The Central Military Commission (CMC) of China awarded all these soldiers with bravery medals on Friday. However, India and international media agencies believe that 45 Chinese soldiers were killed in the violence.

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