
Money Rain : Currency notes of Rs 500 rained in Uttar Pradesh, Here’s reason

Lucknow : A surprising case has emerged from Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh. Where suddenly a tree started raining money. Everyone was surprised to see this. Suddenly 500 rupee notes started raining from the tree. Huge crowd of people gathered to collect the money. The incident happened on Tuesday evening.

What is the whole matter –
In fact, in the Vikas Bhawan Registry Office of Sitapur district, a monkey snatched a bag full of notes from an elderly man and climbed a tree. When the elderly Bhagwan Deen reached near the tree, the monkey started throwing 500 notes from the bag. As the currency notes started raining from the tree, a large crowd gathered on the spot.

Finally after about an hour the monkey threw the bag down, people collected the money and handed the bag over to the elderly person. Bhagwan Deen said that he had 4 lakh rupees in his bag, which he kept to get a property registry done. According to the information, the monkey tore currency notes of about Rs 10,000 to 12,000.

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