
Joe Biden publicly receives coronavirus vaccine, Live on television

Washington : America’s newly-elected President Joe Biden publicly received the coronavirus vaccine. It was shown live on TV so that people could get awareness about it.

The nurse at Christiana Care Hospital in Delaware gave Biden the first dose of the corona vaccine, which Pfizer and Biontech have prepared together.

Munsif Salaui, the chief advisor to Operation Warp Speed, said on CNN’s State of the Union program that the vaccine is safe for those who have been infected. This will make their immunity stronger.

He said that we know that the virus does not improve immunity, but only worsens over time. Therefore, I believe that as a precaution, vaccination would be right because it is safe. I think people should get vaccinated.

The vaccination process was started in the US last week to protect against Covid-19, but many senior leaders and officials, including Trump, have not yet taken the vaccine.

Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Senator Mitch McConne were vaccinated on Friday.

An expert committee in the US says that in the second phase of the Covid-18 vaccination process, people aged 75 or older and those engaged in essential services, including firefighters, teachers, and employees working in grocery stores will be given preference. The second consignment of vaccines will be sent to hospitals from Sunday.

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