
Corona Vaccine : Nurse fainted after taking Corona Vaccine dose, Watch video

New Delhi :

Coronavirus has caused havoc all over the world. The whole world is waiting for a good vaccine to get rid of this virus. Some countries have also claimed to have developed the vaccine and have started vaccination programs. While some people are completely normal after giving the vaccine, while allergy symptoms are also visible in some people. A recent case has emerged from Chattanooga in the US, where a health worker was given the Corona vaccine, but after a few minutes of giving corona vaccine, its side effects were seen.

Tiffany Dover, who works as a nurse in a hospital here, was given the Coronavirus vaccine. After taking the vaccine dose, Tiffany Dover was giving live interviews on a channel, but during this time she started feeling dizzy and fell unconscious. Immediately after taking the vaccine dose, Tiffany Dover fell unconscious, but the team of doctors immediately attended Tiffany. Tiffany recovered shortly after.

On the other hand, in another case from Alaska, USA, when a health worker was given a dose of corona vaccine, his eyes started swelling and he started feeling dizzy. This health worker also complained of a sore throat. Soon after, the health worker was taken to the emergency room. However, when he recovered after a few hours, the hospital administration discharged him.

Minor side effects such as fever and pain may occur after vaccination
The Union Health Ministry in India said on Friday that the Covid-19 vaccine would be safe and effective, but after the vaccination, there could be minor side effects such as fever and pain in the place where the injection is given. The ministry has also clarified that taking a vaccine shot would be voluntary. This comment comes at a time when questions are being raised about the safety and efficacy of vaccination. According to a recent survey, about 70 percent of people hesitate to take the vaccine out of fear of its side effects.

Eliminating the fear, the Health Ministry said, “Covid-19 vaccines will be given only when its safety is proven. The vaccines will be safe and effective, but there can be minor side effects such as fever, pain at the injection site, etc. Such effects can be found in any vaccine.” The ministry said in a statement that states have been directed to initiate arrangements to deal with side-effects related to any Covid-19 vaccine. Taking or not taking Covid-19 vaccine will depend on the will of the person,” the ministry said.

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