
Panic on board Delhi-Goa flight after passenger claims ‘Terrorist’ present on plane

New Delhi : There was a panic on board Delhi to Goa flight when a person stood up and claimed that there are terrorists in this flight. Zia ul Haque, a resident of Jamianagar in Delhi, claimed that she is an officer of the Special Cell of Delhi Police. The flight stirred up after this claim by Zia ul Haque.

It is said that this flight was going from Delhi to Goa. This flight reached Goa at 3.30 pm on Thursday. Zia ul Haque was taken into custody after the flight reached Goa. The relatives of Zia-ul-Haq claim that her mental state is not well. In this regard, Goa Police officials said that Jia-ul-Haque has been taken into custody.

According to Goa police, Zia-ul-Haque has been kept in custody. The Goa Police is interrogating Jia-ul-Haq. Zia-ul-Haque was taken to a government hospital for medical examination. After this, Zia was presented before the magistrate. Zia ul Haque has been admitted to the Institute of Psychology and Human Behavior near Panaji for treatment.

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