
American IT Company Salesforce Will Give Employment To 5.48 Lakh Indians

New Delhi : US IT company Salesforce has planned to give direct employment to 5.48 lakh people in India in the coming days. According to the company, India has the potential to become the second largest economy in terms of GDP. The Chief Data Officer of Salesforce said in a conference that indirectly the company will create 1.3 million jobs in India.

He said that his company is going to contribute billions of dollars to India’s economy. “we are going to create 1.3 million jobs indirectly with our customers and partners, while directly we will provide employment to 5,48,000 people. Whereas we will directly employ 5,48,000 people.” Salesforce’s market capitalization is estimated at around $ 240 billion. “We are committed to train 2,50,000 students in the next one or two years, education is important to bridge the digital gap.” Afshar said at the conference.

He said, “Every three seconds in India, a new person connects to the Internet. This means that the number of people connected to the Internet today will reach 60 million to more than one billion in the next five years. It also means that India will be the second largest country in the world in terms of GDP. It will only be behind China while it will be ahead of the US.”

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