
New organ discovered in human throat, will be helpful to cure cancer

New Delhi : The treatment of a deadly disease like cancer has not been able to succeed even today, for which even big doctors and scientists are constantly studying it. But the Netherlands scientist has had a major breakthrough. He was studying prostate cancer for a long time, when he got to see an organ in the throat of humans that can play an important role in ending cancer disease. When the scientist doing research on prostate cancer found this organ, he became extremely happy. Research conducted at the Cancer Institute of the Netherlands has found two salivary glands in the upper part of the throat called tubarius salivary glands.

According to the information found, after research done on 100 patients, these glands have been found, which can help in the treatment of cancer. So far, only three salivary glands were known which are under the tongue, below the jaw and behind the jaw, and it was believed that there is nothing in this part of the back of the nose (Nasopharynx).

But the study has claimed that these glands are 1.5 inches and are on top of a section of cartilage called Torus Tubarius. Researchers say that perhaps their job will be to lubricate the upper part of the throat behind the nose and mouth.

Information about this gland was found when researchers were studying prostate cancer cells with PSMA PET-CT technology. CT scan and positron emission tomography are used in this. This technology also helps in finding salivary glands. In this a radioactive tracer is injected into the patient which binds to the PSMA protein of the cancer cell. Until now, doctors had no idea about it, that there are more salivary glands in the body. After this discovery, it will be very easy to treat cancer. Now radio therapies will also try to save them, which will reduce the side effects in the treatment of cancer.

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